Why the Arab citizens of Israel are the most important people in the world
And the three ideas that tell us so
Israel is a tiny country. It shouldn’t be so important, but it is. The world obsesses about it.
I guess that’s what happens when you’re the original home of the ancestor religion (Judaism) that gave birth to two other religions — Chrstianity and Islam — that are believed by more than four billion people.
Like it are not, we’re stuck with Israel being of central importance to world culture. But could we maybe get better at thinking about the subject? It always seems to me that everyone misses the three most important issues…
- The nature of law in Israel
- The nature of law in Arab countries
- The status of Arabs in Israel versus the status of Arabs in Arab countries
To me, these three things are of such importance that every other factor pales in comparison.
How I came to think this way
For years I was like most people. I absorbed my opinions about Israel and Palestine from the news and a smattering of undisciplined reading I had done. So my opinions were entirely conventional.
I was critical of the Jewish settlements on the West Bank and I favored a two-state solution.
Then, a couple of years ago, for reasons I can’t quite remember, I decided to pit two books against each other, one supportive of Israel and the other critical.
- The pro book was The Case for Israel by Alan Dershowitz, someone I admire.
- The critical book was Mythologies Without End by Jerome Slater
The Dershowitz book was excellent, but through the first one hundred pages I felt that Slater was slightly ahead. That’s what I thought analytically, but what I felt was different.
I was feeling more favorable toward Israel and less supportive of the Palestinian cause. Only, I couldn’t explain why.
I think this is a feature of most mind-change events. We know we believe something new before we can explain why we believe it. I think this is because so much computational processing is subconscious. We only become aware of the results later, after the cooking is done. So…
I issued instructions to my subconscious mind
As I went to bed one night, I told my subconscious mind that I wanted to wake up in the morning with a firm understanding of why I was turning against the two-state solution.
I do this quite often, especially with writing projects. Before I go to sleep, I tell my mind what I want to write about the next day. Usually, when I wake up, the structure I need is already in my conscious mind. It doesn’t always work, but it usually does.
It worked this time. The moment I sat up in bed, I instantly knew that most of what I had been reading didn’t matter that much. Some of it did, but most of it didn’t. It all reduced to three crucial issues, which I will repeat again because they’re that important.
- The nature of law in Israel
- The nature of law in Arab countries
- The status of Arabs in Israel versus the status of Arabs in Arabic countries
The nature of law in Israel is imperfect but incredibly good.
The nature of law in Arabian countries is terribly bad.
The status of Arabs in Israel, though imperfect, is actually pretty phenomenal, whereas the status of Arabs in Arabic countries is frankly abysmal.
Thus, it did not make sense to create a Palestinian state that would have worse laws than Israel has. It made more sense to fully incorporate the Arabs of Judea and Samaria, and perhaps Gaza too (until they ruined that on October 7th) into Israel. That way they could enjoy the same kind of lives the Israeli Arabs have.
I now believed that Israel should rule from the river to the sea, and I could explain why. It also made me think…
The Arab citizens of Israel are the most important people in the world
They show the way forward.
There are two million Arab citizens of Israel. They vote, they run for office, they get elected, they serve as judges, and they run major companies and organizations. They are doctors, lawyers, scientists, and a thousand other things. But there is one thing they are not…
They are not jihadists who murder, rape and torture their neighbors to impose Islamic sharia on them. Instead, they live in peace with their Jewish cousins. In addition, most opinion polls show that Arab Israelis are loyal citizens despite the normal complaints that every minority community has.
Meanwhile. most Arab countries rank near the bottom in terms of protecting human rights, and are incredibly poor except for those who benefit from oil wealth. Israel, by comparison, ranks near the top in human rights and has a vibrant economy in which the Arab Israelis participate. This makes the Arab citizens of Israel the most protected and successful Arabs in the Middle East.
Evacuate Gaza. Annex Judea and Samaria. I predict that most of the new Arab citizens of Israel will eventually begin to live in peace with their neighbors and prosper from it.
Would this give Arabs a voting majority? I don’t think so. I think the number of Arabs in Judea and Samaria has been greatly exaggerated for Islamist propaganda purposes. This is important because Israel must remain a refuge for the Jews. Key point…
We may not like ethno-states but we must make an exception for the Jews because the world has made an exception OF the Jews, through centuries of insane and evil behavior.
I believe peace is possible. The Arab citizens of Israel and Trump’s Gaza plan point the way.
Copyright © Perry Willis 2025
Perry Willis is the co-founder of Downsize DC and the Zero Aggression Project. He co-created, with Jim Babka, the Read the Bills Act, the One Subject at a Time Act, and the Write the Laws Act, all of which have been introduced in Congress. He is a past Executive Director of the national Libertarian Party and was the campaign manager for Harry Browne for President in 2000.