What I want in the Middle East
My recipe for peace
Here’s my wish list, starting with the rough part…
I want every Hamas fighter either killed or imprisoned. It would be nice if they just surrendered, but I don’t expect that. The psychopathy is too deep.
I hope all the Hamas members imprisoned will someday repudiate jihad and accept Israel, so they can be released to renew their lives.
I want Gazan land purchased from the owners and their relocation costs paid by Israel and/or the U.S., but with a plan to recoup the costs, as per Trump’s proposal.
I want the U.S. to take sovereign control over Gaza, as Trump has suggested, but only temporarily. Gaza is too far from Kansas.
I want the Arab states to at long last meet their obligations to take refugees, instead of continuing to foist them on Europe and the United States.
I want Israel to formally annex Judea and Samaria (the misnamed West Bank), close down the Palestinian Authority, and offer the Arabs who live there Israeli citizenship. The Palestinian Arabs who insist on living in an Arab ethno-state have 21 others to choose from. Anyone who wants to continue fighting Israel should be deported.
Eventually, I want the (currently necessary) walls and checkpoints that make life so hard in Judea and Samaria to come down, and full due process to rule there.
I want the Arabs of Judea and Samaria to have the same quality of life that the Arab citizens of Israel currently enjoy.
To the extent that Jewish settlers have stolen property from Arabs that must stop and/or be compensated. I’m still uncertain about the degree to which such theft has or has not happened since people routinely confuse the concepts of property and sovereignty, making clarity on this issue difficult to achieve.
I want all Muslims everywhere to formally reject jihad and the death penalty for apostasy so they can become full members of the civilized world, of which Israel is such a great exemplar.
I want U.S. tax-funded aid to Israel and the Arab world to cease.
I want the Gaza redevelopment deal to be sold and the proceeds returned directly to the U.S. taxpayers who provided the capital.
I want the U.S. to eventually cede sovereignty over Gaza to Israel. This would finally achieve what the League of Nations intended when it created the British Mandate for Palestine after World War I, a secure homeland for the Jews. Better late than never.
This seems like a damned good list to me.
Copyright © Perry Willis 2025
Perry Willis is the co-founder of Downsize DC and the Zero Aggression Project. He co-created, with Jim Babka, the Read the Bills Act, the One Subject at a Time Act, and the Write the Laws Act, all of which have been introduced in Congress. He is a past Executive Director of the national Libertarian Party and was the campaign manager for Harry Browne for President in 2000.