We need better advertising
We need advertising reformation. Nearly all ads suck. They fail both as entertainment and as information for telling you what the product or service is. I often exit them feeling no wiser than when they started, but profoundly more bored. And companies are paying billions for this crap.
Simple 15-second ads that make no attempt to entertain, but that quickly describe the product and its benefits, would be much better than these 30 and 60-second vapid comedy skits they give us.
Except for Geico. A lot of what they do is actually good, though they seem to have fallen off their game recently.
Reformation shouldn’t be hard. Advertisers should abandon the 30 and 60-second ad format. They should just tell us what their product is and does. Wham, bam, you're done. If need be, they could buy the 30 and 60-second slots in conjunction with other advertisers and then divvy up the time. I truly believe such ads would perform better and cost less. They would also be less obnoxious to viewers.