The Gaza Ceasefire Deal is Pure Evil
Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory
It appears that Trump has embraced the pro-evil Biden foreign policy.
Officials of the outgoing Biden administration and the incoming Trump team seem to have collaborated to impose a Gaza ceasefire deal on Israel.
I believe this snatches defeat from the jaws of victory, negating all the good work Israel has done to cripple jihadist forces over the past year.
The deal also trades murderers for hostages ensuring that we will have both more murders and more hostages taken in the future.
The ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas is a complete disaster. It’s good for some of the hostages and their families, but bad for everyone else. It’s bad for the Palestinians, for the Israelis, for the Middle East, for America (to the extent that we remain embroiled in this mess), and for the world.
It was possible to destroy Hamas and impart sound governance to Gaza. The Israelis had a plan for this that took advantage of the tribal structures that have worked so well in the United Arab Emirates. But that plan has now been thrown in the dumpster because of American stupidity.
It certainly appears that Trump has shown himself willing to embrace evil for the sake of a quick trophy victory. He will brag that he is so powerful he was able to broker peace before even took office. The truth will be tragically different.
Now, sometime in the future, this war with Hamas in Gaza will have to be fought yet again (as it has already been fought several times in the past). There will never be an end to it, because moronic U.S. politicians keep forcing Israel to do self-destructive things (as Ronald Reagan did when he forced Israel to preserve the PLO in 1982).
The only long-term solution is for Israel to completely divorce itself from U.S. aid, so that stupid American politicians will no longer have so much leverage. My understanding is that there is already an Israeli plan for doing that. It cannot happen soon enough.
The United States needs to be removed from the equation because our politicians and supposed foreign policy and military experts truly and deeply suck at strategic thinking.
There was a great opportunity for the Trump administration to achieve true and lasting peace in the Middle East. Trump’s statements, appointments, and past actions, made it seem like he was going to pursue that path. Now he has completely destroyed that opportunity before he has even taken office.
I am bitterly disappointed in Donald Trump and I no longer believe he will achieve anything beneficial during his presidency. I expect him to focus on his bad ideas and completely neglect or betray the many good things he was proposing to accomplish. In other words, he will end up being just like most politicians. This terrible Gaza deal provides strong evidence for that conclusion.
Our only hope now is that Hamas will be Hamas and blow up the deal before it even gets started. News reports already indicate just such a possibility. But if that happens it won’t be any thanks to the moron twins, Joe Biden and Donald Trump.
Copyright © Perry Willis 2025
Perry Willis is the co-founder of Downsize DC and the Zero Aggression Project. He co-created, with Jim Babka, the Read the Bills Act, the One Subject at a Time Act, and the Write the Laws Act, all of which have been introduced in Congress. He is a past Executive Director of the national Libertarian Party and was the campaign manager for Harry Browne for President in 2000.