I'm neither a Democrat nor Republican. I'm a libertarian. I dilike Trump and Biden pretty much equally. So I'm not a participant in the usual Left-Right ciruclar firing squad, but I still believe in fair representations of what other people believe.
The following bit of hyperbole makes me think you are a bit of a scumbag..."or you might see the comeback of RINOs (so-called Republicans In Name Only), or what most of us think of as traditional Republicans — you know, those willing to hide their racism, sexism, and addiction to power to help them get elected."
I don' think you have the slightest clue what most people think or who RINOs are, or who traditional Republicans are for theat matter. Even so, I think the general thesis of your article is possibly correct. But you do overlook one huge thing - a lot of Republicans like Trump because people like you hate him so much.