I’m afraid to test the matrix by watching the Hamas snuff films

Perry Willis
5 min readDec 12, 2023


Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

WARNING: Don’t read this article if you have a sensitive nature. It discusses what Hamas (allegedly) did in Israel on October 7. Here’s the issue…

I don’t trust the establishment news media or The State. I think these institutions lie constantly. This is especially true when the subject is war and war atrocities. I’ve shown in my articles at WarTruth.org how nearly all U.S. foreign wars were started under false pretenses. We also know that…

But the deception problem becomes even worse when the subject is war. Wars incentivize those who work for The State/Media Nexus to conjure atrocities. Such stories draw eyeballs for the media and big bucks for the Military Complex. And…

No atrocity works better than a baby atrocity!

In World War I British propagandists assured the world that the Germans were bayoneting babies in Beligum. This turned out to be untrue. Yes, atrocities were committed, but there is no actual evidence that this particular atrocity really happened. Then…

When Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990 our rulers told us that Iraq had turned off the baby incubators in a Kuwait hospital. It wasn’t true, but it didn’t matter. Americans responded in a Pavlovian fashion, providing the righteous indignation the lie-tellers hoped to exploit. So, it came as no surprise to me that…

Hamas supposedly committed baby atrocities

This is where it gets rough. The Hamas members who attacked Israeli civilians on October 7th supposedly…

My first inclination was to doubt these stories simply because atrocity claims about babies have such a bad track record. In addition to that, I think we should all prophylactically assume that…

We live in The Matrix

Aside from those things we experience directly, everything we “know” has been reported to us by someone else. How do we know it’s valid?

This is even true for scientific studies. Researchers claim they did certain tests and got specific results, but they could be lying. Or, perhaps they were deceived by the grad students and technicians they trusted to perform various procedures.

Indeed, examples of scientific error and fraud are legion. This is why reproducibility is becoming increasingly important. Few scientific conclusions can be firmly trusted until other researchers have done the same experiments and gotten similar results.

But we can’t do that with the Hamas atrocities.

History is not a lab experiment

We can’t bring everyone back to life, restore all the destroyed buildings and cars, and then ask Hamas to repeat their attack so we can objectively witness what they did and did not do.

We could simply pretend agnosticism. We don’t know for sure what happened. But that also means we can have no moral opinions about the event, or about the Israeli response that followed.

That might sound like a blissful stance to take, but it also means we are just bystanders who remain silent when bad people do evil things.

If Hamas really did bake babies in ovens, doesn’t that matter? Should I just avert my gaze, or should I test the primary evidence directly by watching the films Hamas supposedly made of these events? The very thought of it turns my stomach. So it naturally makes me wonder…

Can I delegate the dirty work to other people? For instance, can I trust…

Douglas Murray

He claims he watched the Hamas films. He reports that one Hamas member called his mother on the phone during the attack, and bragged to her that he was killing Jews. The depravity of that, even if you are pro-Palestinian, is truly mind-blowing.

But Murray is clearly biased. He is strongly on record as opposing Hamas and all it stands for. He also seems at least somewhat skeptical of the Palestinian cause. So doesn’t that invalidate his testimony? Did he perhaps not really see what he claims to have seen in those films? Or…

How about Elon Musk?

Many people on the Left have recently accused Musk of being anti-semitic. If true, this would suggest that he isn’t particularly fond of Israel and that he might even be somewhat pro-Palestinian. Perhaps to counter these claims Elon visited Israel. He toured the villages Hamas attacked and he watched the Hamas films.

I saw a news report on YouTube where Elon talked about what he saw in the films. He watched a Hamas member cut a baby from a mother’s womb and show it to her. I could see the horror and depression on Elon’s face as he described this.

Should I doubt him? Was he acting? Was he shown Potemkin villages and a fake movie that was staged by Israel to make Hamas look as bad as possible?


Where I stand

I would not put it past any government to fake films for political purposes. It’s much more of a stretch to argue that Israel’s government would have destroyed whole villages for such a purpose and suborned the occupants thereof to participate in their lie. But two other things make me believe that even the worst atrocity stories are probably true.

The first is the fact that Palestinian parents have been known to recruit their own children to conduct suicide attacks against Israeli civilians.

The second is a man-on-the-street interview I saw conducted on the West Bank (and sadly I cannot seem to locate this link). A Palestinian gentleman was asked if it would be alright for a father to kill his son if he found out the son was gay. The Palestinian was well-dressed. He spoke good English. He could be one of my neighbors, but he did not hesitate to answer, “Of course it would be okay, because the son brought dishonor on his father.”

The kind of culture that could create these kinds of views and actions is also the kind of culture that could raise people who would do the things alleged on October 7th.

This is my provisional position, pending convincing contrary evidence. It is also why I believe the words “Free Palestine” are an oxymoron. I do not think a Palestinian state would be a free or decent place for human beings to live. I think it would just be another Arab Muslim hellhole. And I do not believe I need to watch the Hamas snuff films to justify my stance.

I have high hopes that Arab Islamic culture can eventually reform and enlighten itself, just as Christian culture once did, but that revolution still seems to be a long way off.

Copyright © Perry Willis 2023

Perry Willis is the co-founder of Downsize DC and the Zero Aggression Project. He co-created, with Jim Babka, the Read the Bills Act, the One Subject at a Time Act, and the Write the Laws Act, all of which have been introduced in Congress. He is a past Executive Director of the national Libertarian Party and was the campaign manager for Harry Browne for President in 2000.



Perry Willis
Perry Willis

Written by Perry Willis

Perry Willis is the past National Director of the Libertarian Party and the cofounder of Downsize DC and the Zero Aggression Project.

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